There wasn’t anything like a perfect apology.
So we devised one for the whole world – The Sorry Tree
We say sorry to our loved ones all the time
but we are forgetting that we have been hurting Mother Nature too.
And to her we have never apologized. So here is a way you can do it
whenever you want to apologize to your loved one, plant a sapling,
a sorry tree, in the Himalayas
The trick is you don’t have to do it yourself, we will do it for you.
A perfect apology is not one with a beautiful gift card,
a large box of chocolates, or flowers but it is a beautiful tree
that grows bigger and older, reminding you of the love you share with nature and your loved one.
trees planted in the Himalayan Forests
trees planted in the Himalayan Forests
For any inquiries, questions or commendations, please call: 033-2423-5100 or fill out the following form
Head Office
7 & 8, Golf Club Road,
Near Royal Bengal Tiger Cafe,
West Bengal 700033
To volunteer for or work with ASED,
please send a cover letter together with your C.V. to:
Green Rhinos
The Green Rhinos program is an environmental program dedicated to protect and preserve the Green cover of the planet .This program is under ASED, a Kolkata based non-profit organization which has its own efficient way of ensuring and encouraging afforestation.
Instead of working only with adults of communities, ASED works with their kids as well.These kids are the Green Rhinos.
Young nature leaders who are trained to plant and take care of trees in and around their community.